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Reset #07 [Reino Unido]

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Reset #07

› Número: 07

› Estado: Disponible

› Publicado: 25/07/2015

› Tipo: Revistas

› Idioma: Inglés

› Colección: Reset [Reino Unido]

› Enlaces/descargas/información:

Reset #07 has been released and is downloadable now. Were really excited about the issue and hope that you all enjoy it! The issue features stunning original cover art by Anthony Stiller, paying homage to the Zzap No.1 cover, featuring Elite, which was by legendary artist Oliver Frey. The issue pays tribute to Zzap!64 and we celebrate the 30th anniversary since the first issue. Inside we have some special guest appearances from ex-Zzap writers and characters, tribute articles, and a feature article about the C64 version of Elite by Anthony Olver of Elite Archives (C64 Elite also celebrates its 30th anniversary and was reviewed in Zzap No.1). As well as all of this, we have many of our usual columns returning and game reviews including Ghosts 'n Goblins Arcade and Jam It. Our Mix-i-disk contains two brand new and exclusive games: Pixel Pix by Simon Quernhorst and a new SEUCK'er by Alf Yngve called Big Mech Alpha. The disk also includes two full commercial games. Darkness by RGCD/Psytronik, and Phase Out V1.4 by inc-x as well as the winner of the 2015 SEUCK competition, the fully enhanced Abyssonaut by Anthony Stiller. To top things off nicely, Richard Bayliss has contributed the brand new Reset #07 intro, featuring a cool old-school vibe!

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