More booths confirmed! Today, two more!
On one side, the guys from the association A.R.C.A.D.E. will be visiting us as invited platform/group. In their booth they will be showing what is their association about, their activities and meetings. Moreover, they will have several arcade boards connected to tube TVs and arcade machines for you to play!
On the other side, a new group will be presenting a new game!
Conecta2 games will have a booth in this RU for the first time for showint their newest creation for MSX2: Brick Forces, a breakout-like game made with screen 8 and with MM/OPL4 music. More information in their website their website.
As you may know, the new game by Hikaru games is coming: Children of the Night, an action RPG game for MSX computers from any generation with a minimum of 64KB of RAM. The game includes graphical improvements if a MSX2 or superior is used, if available it also uses the PCM (TurboR machines) and it allows to save data on the cartridge and using passwords.
Sadly, Hikaru Games members won't be able to be at the event, therefore the games will be available at the AAMSX booth. If you don't want to lose the opportunity, there is a reservation process open in the website of their publisher, micromancers. You'll be able to do the reservation there and get it in our booth. For each game sold, Hikaru Games is donating 3€ to the AAMSX. Thank you very much!
For more information, please check micromancers.
An activity that is never missing in the RUMSX is the videogame tournament.
For this edition we already have a game selected, thanks to Juanmi from MSXarea who gave us the idea. The selected game is Touwtrekken, tug of war in english.
You can download the game in the following link.
As usual, the tournament will be organized by our friends of Retroscroll, who never miss a RU!
New two confirmations!
We start with Tromax, who will be in his booth, fundas del pasado (translated as "covers from the past") selling covers for our MSX. These covers are ideal for transportation or to protect our machines from the dust. These covers are handmade, made with elastic cloth and tailor-made.
On the other corner we have MATRA. At this moment there is no new game, however we will be able to find reeditions and stock of previously published games.
Two new booths confirmed!
After a while without his presence in the event, MSXCalamar is back with his cables and replacement parts for our MSX. If nothing goes wrong, we will have Krakengraph lite version units available, a clone of the well known gfx9000 at a very competitive price.
Grayfox77 is back with more second hand games and MSX computers.
We're back! Engines are on for the next meeting: the 9th of June at the "acts" room in our classical venue, the civic center of Fontana. Feel free to check the section Next RU for more details.
We have the two first confirmations: Our friends from Tentáculo Púrpura and Alma de Origami.
Tentáculo Púrpura will be back with more MSX machines so that the visitors can play a bit with them.
Alma de Origami will have their booth full of retro-inspired arts and crafts. Check them!
Stay tunned, new information soon!
Finally we have the results of the third AY compo.
We take this opportunity to say thanks to all contestants.
You can listen and download the songs visiting the culturachip website.
- CHRd by jvicentemz
- May by rolemusic
- Bluedream by bitcaffe
- Pulmicort by Sultán Paraíso
- Menage by Makinavaja
- ipping-jaak-chip-love-like-chip by joesg
- ay02 by Z23
In the last meeting, AAMSX published a PDF for the second hand booth. This PDF is a form that sellers can fill at home in order to win some time at the meeting start and bring their products already cataloged.
Well... we have updated that PDF, with a new requirement: Now the users should have their products properly tagged. The tag must have the product price and reference that is written in th form.
You can download the new PDF clicking here.
The meeting is close and the booth list still grows!
Tromax is back. This time he will be selling second hand material. In his stand we will be able to find games and MSX computers.
On the other hand, a new activity confirmed. Xavirompe, who will be in his booth with his Rookiedrive, will show us his new project: A Wi-Fi card for MSX? We will discover it in the next meeting! The presentation will be at 17:00.
Here we have two more confirmations!
First, Imanok is back with his booth. He'll be selling a second batch of his lastest game: Tina's Adventure Island, a game which was releaseon on the previous RU and which stock flew extremely fast.
Also we have another new game. Oniric Factor publishes their new game, Grey Fox, an action and shooting arcade which reminds us of Cabal. As the Oniric Factor team will not be present, the game will be sold on the AAMSX booth. There will be 36 units of this game.
We have two new confirmed booths!
We start the news with Xavirompe. He's back with his Rookie Drive, a USB media drives reader for our MSX.
Also we have a classic back: MATRA.
They are back with a lot of new stuff, like the 3 games presented in the MSXDEV17: Draconic Throne, Xspelunker and Zevimodoki.
Cartridge format, with extensions and improvements compared to the MSXDEV version.
In their booth you'll also be able to find the ANMA Limited Run Heritage, a recopilation of MSX2 disk games by the Holland-based group ANMA, that started on MSX on the early 90s.
Kai Magazine will not miss the chance, and he comes back with a new videogame!
Myths & Dragons, a beat'em up with RPG details for one or two players. The game works on MSX2 or better (MSX2+ or TurboR recommended) with 64KB of RAM equipped with any v9990 graphic card (GFX9000, v9990 powergraph, or the future krakengraph).
It's supposed that in their booth you'll also find for sale other games from their catalog.
This 20th of November the deadline was met for the thirth AY compo. However, due to the low participation, the organization has decided to extend the deadline one more week. So, everyone that want to finish their square wave compositions, now you have until the 27th of November to do so.
Good luck with your Tracker!
The booth list for the next user meeting is still growing. This time we have a very anticipated return and, on the other side, a usual booth on the meetings.
MSX Area is finally back with their magazine issue number 8. 60 full color pages filled with content about our beloved MSX. The price is 9€ and you will be able to obtain it on their booth in the user meeting.
We also have CustomMSX, who will return with their custom made 1chip MSX, ready to be tested by the assistants including the last updates on the machine.
After many years of long wait, Paxanga Soft finally has their new game: Yokai no Atsuki Tatakai. This game is an Action RPG game for MSX computer compatible with all generations. This game will be released exclusively on the meeting but after that you'll be able to buy it at MSXCartridgeShop.
In order to start the hype machine, Paxanga Soft has published a video trailer with the presentation of the game.
Finally we get started with the first confirmations for the incomming user meeting. The first to confirm have been our friends from tentaculopúrpura They will fill a couple of tables with TVs and MSX computers, as the retroscroll crew, and you'll be able to play with them!
The other group that has confirmed is Alma de Origami. This group is now a veteran with some years of presence in the user meetings with their stand dedicated to miscelaneous retro-themed merchandising, specially MSX.
After one year of hiatus, the AY compo contest is back for the next MSX users meeting. Again, the contest is organized in collaboration with culturachip. The rules are:
- Any AY format is valid (must be for a 8bit computers), but we strongly recommend the use of .pt3 files (Vortex tracker II or Protracker 3) because it's a file format easily playable by a lot of 8bit computers like the MSX, Amstrad or Spectrum.
- There are no limits about the number of songs presented by each contestant.
- Only original songs: no covers allowed. Only new songs, unreleased.
- Deadline: the 12th of November 2017
- Besides the original tracker file song, the contestant must send a 320KB mp3 file with the the capture of the song. Both files must be sent to the mail address: Also, a 200 characters text must be included to say whatever you want:The text will be shown on the music disk using an scroll text.
- After the deadline, all contestants will receive a link to all the mp3 files from the contest. Each contestant must vote each song, with a value from 0 to 100. The votes must the send to too.
The final results will be announced on the next 9th December, during the 52th MSX users meetings in Barcelona.
Also, after the compo, there will be:
- A music disk for several platforms with the songs of the contest. On which platforms it will be available will depend on if there is someone interested in creating it. The AAMSX will create the music for MSX computers with all the songs using pt3, wyz or arkos trackers.
- AAMSX will prepare a limited release of a real music disk to be used on real MSX computers, and this disk will be distributed on the next users meeting.
- The songs and the music disk will be published on severals websites like, or
We're back with the 52th RUMSX (MSX Users Meeting) on the 9th of December. For more information, please check the "Next meeting" section.
For those interested in having a booth, please make your reservation via e-mail.