Otakufreaks : [Hack] Mortal Kombat II 32X Arcade Edition (Sega 32X) Leer
Mortal Kombat II 32X Arcade Edition es un hack de Mortal Kombat II (1994) para el periférico de Sega Mega Drive / Genesis creado por Master Linkuei, BillyTime! Games y YoSoyNacho que modifica y retoca este clásico juego de lucha de Midway (Spy Hunter, Rampage, NBA Jam, Cruis’n USA) para hacerlo más parecido a la versión original arcade, contando con mejoras en el apartado gráfico, sonoro y jugable.
El parche para poder jugar Mortal Kombat II 32X Arcade Edition se puede descargar gratis o por el precio que se quiera pagar desde itch.io y tiene que ser aplicado a la ROM «Mortal Kombat 2 (Jan 1995) (JUE) [!]» con cualquier programa compatible con archivos en formato .IPS, como Lunar IPS o Floating IPS.
Lista de cambios y mejoras de Mortal Kombat II 32X Arcade Edition:
- Lots of hacking to improve gameplay, timings, Hit Boxes and SFX.
- Added more voices and sfx samples: Scorpion’s «Get Over Here» Liu Kang’s Bicycle Kick Shao Kahn’s Laugh Dan Fordden’s «Oh waaa» Sub-Zero’s Ice SFX & More…
- Added SFX in the backgrounds: Livin’ Forest and The Portal
- Combos restored and improved: Jax Flying Kick + Grab in the air, Scorpion’s Flying kick + Teleport and more…
- Gameplay and timings improved -Reset System:Press ABC+MODE to reset or go back to the MEGA ED PRO menu
- Training Mode: >+START at the main menu screen. The training mode will play an exclusive new music track!
- Deadpool Dan Fordden’s «Oh waaa» voice easter egg restored
- The PIT II fatality improved (sfx, animations and sync)
- Auto 3 Buttons/6 Buttons detection
- Enable or Disable the Timer option
- Color palettes improved and added shadow mode in some screens to look more accurate to the Arcade game. & a lot of other little improvements…
- AI Nerf (by @BillyTimeG ):
ON = The difficulty selected will be fixed for every fight of the battleplan (even for the bosses)
OFF = The original AI: after the 3rd fight, the CPU turn into a BEAST lol. - Pause System (by @yosoynacho ): Press MODE to pause and Start to unpause.
- MSU-MD 32+ Alternate patch with all the Arcade songs (based on the MSU-MD code by jvisser)
New Commands:
- RESET: A+B+C+MODE to Reset the game / goto Mega Everdrive Pro Menu.
- TRAINING MODE: Press RIGHT+START at main menu to access the Training Mode. An unused Matt Furniss song will play during the training!
- Pause: Press MODE to pause the game and START to unpause.
[Hack] Mortal Kombat II 32X Arcade Edition (Sega 32X) es una entrada original de Otakufreaks.